Sailor Moon: This was my all time favorite show when I was younger, and as I got older, I got into the manga. Have you tried buying any of the first 10 books off ebay?! It's crazy! They cost so much money! But this past summer, I downloaded the COMPLETE series. and watched. I am such a nerd.. hehe
Fruits Basket: When I first started reading the series, they were only up to about volume 11 or 12. When the 16 volume was released, I finally went online and read the rest of the series (because it takes a while because the the translations, this stuff takes time!). They story line is soooo good. It changes after a little while, and kind of took me by surprise. I'm not going to lie, I cried at the end. For my first Anime convention, I went as the main character, Tohru Honda. I had the summer school uniform, and the yellow ribbon that Yuki gave her.Anyways, Anime Convention became way to expensive, and the last time I went, I didn't really have that good of a time (although that could have been because of the people I was with). You waste your money away in the dealers room, and I didn't even really go to the events that they held. This year, I'm bumming because when I signed on to Deviantart this morning, some of the artist I follow had journal entry about Anime Boston. I MISS THE ARTIST ALLY. If you ever get a chance to go to an anime convention, make sure that you drop all of your money in the Artist Ally. The last year that I went, found that most of them had a deviantart, so it would be easy to keep up with them.
Schin Loong : I love her work. This piece to the left is of Luna, the cat from Sailor Moon. Yeah you're all like, "What? Cat? That's a lady..?" Buttt if you followed it like I do then you'd understand. BUT BACK TO THE ART. She uses this wonderful combination of watercolor and digital. They're just amazing! The piece to the right is a self portrait! She loves her tea!
And that's it for now, haha class is almost over and I've done NO work... other than this <3
PS- As far as twitter goes, I've had a problem with not having my tweets private, and other people have felt the need to go and show other people what I've written. SO, I only have people that I personally know follow me. Sorry you guys! I can tell you're all really bumming.
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